Do you need a big, shared spreadsheet, right inside of Confluence? Play SQL lets you manage data just like in Excel.
Do you need external systems to read and write into this spreadsheet? No problem, the spreadsheets are actually SQL tables, not unlike Microsoft Access.
Do you want anything except Excel-in-an-iframe? Play SQL provides a great integration with Blogs, Pages, spreadsheets, forms and SQL.
This tool lets you create one database schema per space, just like you would create Excel spreadsheets. When users edit tables, they’re actually editing SQL tables in a database.
- Play SQL is powerful because it has formulas, sorting, instant filters, you can query data across tables (joins), access it using SQL, etc.
- Play SQL is open because it is not a proprietary format. Any standard SQL tool can read and write in Play SQL, whether or not you have a license, thereby answering any question about data durability.