Over 4000 customers in over 90 countries use Refined for social intranets, project collaboration and documentation among others.
Refined includes tools to customize Confluence and add structure, theme, layout and navigation.
Key features:
- Sites: Multiple Confluence use cases in the one Confluence
- Categories: Spaces organized into categories in a drop down menu.
- Site Builder: Organize spaces into categories and sites.
- Theme Editor: Create theme to match your team brand
- Layouts: Order content on Site and Category Homes
- Space Layouts: Configure space layouts
- Content modules and macros: Display content visually.
- Navigation: Added menus and icons.
- View permissions: Easily control who sees what content.
- Search: Define search boundaries in a site, category or globally.
- Blog portal. For a themed blog experience.
- Footer customization
- Cache. For faster performance.
- Keyboard shortcuts.Demo site
- Product Website