This extension allows you to store and modify in a CustomField a multicolumn data with JQuery Datatables Editor libray.
To achve this, first, put in the CF’s description field the table structure (columns wilth types).
Please note, that the first column is “Id”, and it is auto increments. Also count on, that
the description field is max 255 character long, so the structure have to be less than 245 characters,
because the “;SuperCell” marker.
Typically it will look like (minified JSON and ;SuperCell):
[{title:”Id”,type:”readonly”},{title:”Name”,type:”text”},{title:”Position”,type:”textarea”},{title:”Office”},{title:”Extn.”,type:”text”},{title:”Start date”,type:”date”},{title:”Salary”,type:”text”}];SuperCell
There are three operations you can do with your data: 1) Add new row, 2) Modify or update a row 3) Delete a row
Known bugs:
There is a visual bug with the jQuery popup modal. Sometimes it appeares lower then it expectected.